Candle Magic


Candle magic is a kind of alchemy, where all the elements are incorporated-fire of the flame, air to feed it, melted wax for water, and solid wax for earth. I as a healer I primarily use candles to either set off an intention or to raise a kind of energy I need. The magic starts from choosing the candle ; related colour ; it’s size!! The blended herbal oils are anointed with healing chants. The healing herbs will be supporting the magic throughout the process. Sigils , zibu symbols & healing chants enhance the power of the candle spells. The process is very sacred and personal. Each spell is cast with proper care in order to bring positivity and healing to the divine souls. “Candle magic is fast-working and intense, so be sure that what you’re asking for is something you really want and are ready for!” If you want to buy ‘fixed’ or spell candles with an intention already set, buy them from a authentic source or apothecary that really knows their stuff.”

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