
Angel Card


Angel Card Healing is a form of energy healing. We all have an energy system, which sometimes gets blocked during our daily lives. Think of these blocks like boulders in a river. Blocks like this get built up when we feel anger, fear, pain, resentment, or anything that is not in true alignment with who we are. We can loosen or remove some of the “boulders” with Angel Card Healing, so we are back in the flow – feeling more energetic and more alive, more in tune with our higher self.

Angelic Healing works with the love and healing of the angels. The angels guide us through our lives. In Angel Card Healing, the angels guide the therapist while s/he works with the client. The therapist is a vessel to let the The healing of the angels passes into the client. I am open to this energy and fully guided by the angels.

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I ask for the help of the angels to assist with healing for each client. It centers and makes sure I am aligned with the angelic realm and messages originating there, so I can best serve the client. I receive guidance from the angels to best cleanse and heal my client while clearing any blockages.

During a session, I share whatever we sense with my client. During a personal session, I talk to our client. During a remote session, I make a mental note to share my feelings and thoughts by email after the session. I at Divine aura let the angels guide me through every step.

Angelic Healing can uncover connections that we are not even able to see with our best imagination. A person might come in with pain in a certain area of his/her body. We can work on that body part, as well as other parts of the body that the angels guide us to look at, or even make the connection between painful events and physical pain.



Simply put, Angel Card Healing can help with anything. Angel Card Healing can help with whatever you happen to be struggling with. It helps us release lower emotions or unhealthy thought patterns, and can also help on a body level, getting things back into the flow. Angel Card Healing is clearing, cleansing, releasing, invigorating, refreshing, and healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

Angel Card Healing goes much deeper than an Angel Reading and is more concentrated on healing the body and its energy system. An Angel Reading focuses on delivering messages to a client, like delivering messages from the client’s Universal mailbox. Of course, that can be healing, too.

Often, at the end of an Angel Card Healing Session, I do pick some cards to give the client more guidance. Sometimes I do it at the beginning of a session, to see what underlying issues or themes there might be.

During Angel Card Healing Session, I particularly ask for healing guidance from the angels, whereas in meditation, my request for information is more open to anything. Meditation is usually more general – just a bit of releasing and relaxing, and never as deep or as intense as angelic healing.

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