Customised Angel Prayers


Life is full of struggles, and many of us need guidance. We ask for the help of angels all the time in deep sorrows and pain, and it’s wonderful how angels can affect our lives in so many different ways. Some people pray to themselves, some to heal relationship issues, some for abundance etc. but angels are also guides and helpers who serve many purposes higher than just guiding humans.They can impact our healing journey through much more than what a human brain can think. There are different kinds of angels: guardian angels and archangels. The guardian angel is not referenced in any specific religious texts, but we believe that every human is assigned one in their lifetime. Guardian angels are also said to be sent for humans during times of need and desperation. Stories about guardian angels have been passed down through the generations, and there are specific angels mentioned in Biblical texts as well. These angels are Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael,  Archangel Michael & many more. These angels carry specific important tasks throughout history and have made a significant impact on humans’ lives.

With angel prayers, you will feel loved, protected, and divinely guided to pursue your highest calling and achieve your goals. At DIVINE AURA Prayers are also customized as per the needs of the person for seeking a new job, health, pregnancy, new home, marriage, protection, cutting cords, etc. &. There are different prayers for particular needs for your problem.

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At Divine Aura all healings are done through customized prayers made for each and every client keeping respective angels in mind. These are very strong prayers that indeed help the client to heal. Along with the prayers, we suggest some healing crystals get the most effective result. These prayers will heal your life problem and give rejuvenation to your soul. Our customized angle prayers are simple to use and there is no caste boundation. Get life guidance through these divine prayers. Angel prayers guard us 24*7 and bring miracles to our life.

We provide healing through customized angel prayers
for the things mentioned below.

  • New job
  • Relationship(struggle)
  • Love life
  • Protection
  • Relationship
  • Healing (with child)
  • Powerful Shield Healing(conceive)
  • Blissful Marriage
  • Exercising
  • Communication(Relationship)
  • Fulfillment of Dreams/Wishes
  • Cutting negative ties
  • Cutting Negative Effects
  • Protection from Psychic Attacks
  • Beauty
  • Courage
  • compatibility in existing relationships
  • Commitment Transformation
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Successful Bussiness
  • Power & Prosperity
  • Luck
  • Wealth
  • Severe vows
  • Assistance (for fast results)
  • Success
  • Clarity
  • Health
  • Addiction
  • Victory
  • Clearing Space
  • Miracles Messenger
  • Reducing Stress
  • Assistance(studies)
  • Assistance (Remember & Retain)
  • New Home
  • Exercising(commitment/ motivation)
  • Magnificent powerful Aura
  • Healing
  • Manipulation
  • Finding Lost/Stolen Item
  • Healing Heart Chakra
  • Relationship Healing

Disclaimer: It is guaranteed that complete privacy in all sessions and readings. Under no circumstances details of clients will be disclosed until and unless they themselves initiate and consent. Even recording of any type is not permitted without divine aura and the client’s will.

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