Switch words

Switch words

Switchwords are seed-beej mantras in English. In Hinduism and Buddhism, there are many mantras are created with the help of seed mantras e.g. in Ganesh Mantra “Aum Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapataye Vara Varada Sarva Janamme Vashamanaya Svaha” is created with seed mantras like Shreem, Hreem, Kleem, etc. All Swicthwords are seed mantras in English.

Switch Words: Understand With Real Life


1. For a lady, her husband can be a switch person. His charming looks, caring nature, positive attitude, or husky voice, anything can switch her energy.

2. For a mother, her child can be a switch person. His/ her smiling face or a tight hug, a win in a competition, or a comfortable sleep in her lap can switch her energy.

3. Friends too are good Switch persons. Looking at them or just thinking about a friend can Switch your energy. Their caring attitude, tight hug, and warmth can remind you of these feelings in your time of need.

4. For a religious person idol of Deity is a switch thing for a devotee. Praying them, visiting them, practising spiritual practices, or worshipping them can switch their energy.

5. You know for a true follower, the words of his/ her master are Switch words.

6. For a mother, a past event, situation, and feeling of her child can be a Switch word. Like when her child won a competition and she felt proud.

So many words, things, persons, movies, and songs can become Switchwords, switch things, and switch persons. Switch words, switch things, switch persons, switch events, and switch feelings are very quick and effective to create a new life and switch from pain, defeat, trauma, or failure to a new better life. Same way movies and songs too can be Switch movies or Switch songs as watching favourite or effective movies or listening to favorite songs too can Switch your energy and can be your Switch word.

How do Switch Words affect our Life?

Here I present a total of 6 ways how a word can switch your energy from one state to another state. Every person has a total of 3 mental states. They are Positive, Negative, and Neutral. Each word has some power to influence and in the below list you can.

check them with the example:-

1. Negative energy to positive energy e.g: when a person is highly negative then Switch word GOLDEN SUNRISE can instantly change his/her energy the system, aura, situation, and surroundings.

2. Negative energy to neutral energy e.g: when a person is highly negative then Switch word SMILE can help but for a few seconds. These kinds of Switch words are called defusing words. They often nullify your negative energy but are unable to create abundant positive energy.

3. Neutral energy to positive energy e.g: when a person is in a normal mood then Switch word RAINBOW can activate his/her mood and lift up his/her the energy system, aura, situation, and surroundings.

4. Neutral energy to negative energy e.g: when a person is in a normal mood then Switch word DANGER can turn down his/her energy into sad and fearful alertness.

5. Positive energy to neutral energy e.g: when a person is in a positive mood then sad news on TV/newspaper can turn down his/her energy into a worried mood but maybe just for a few seconds.

6. Positive energy to negative energy e.g: when a person is in a positive mood then sad news about his/her close one’s sudden death or accident can turn down his/her energy into a sad and depressive state.

What are the Benefits of Switch Words:

1. They are very easy to learn and apply.

2. Switch words are not messy like many other healing tools.
3. With Switch words no need to use imagination.

4. Switch words are like single-word affirmations, therefore, there is no confusion about which tense to use as is the case in affirmations. (In affirmation we can affirm in many tenses and there are lots of theories about which tense you should affirm in) “So No Tense No Tension.”

5. With Switch words there is no need to memorize long decrees and affirmations.

6. A single Switch word can change your energy system to permit the Universe to fetch out your wishes, your desires, and your needs to materialize.

7. Switch words are words, which when used can switch a person from a negative frequency to a desired higher frequency.

8. Switch words work on the subconscious mind and can bring the desired outcome.

9, And Switch words can be used either by writing them on a paper or by chanting in mind or loudly as many times as possible depending upon the need of the situation.

10. Switch words can be written in Energy Circles and broadcasted.

11. One can do Switch word healing for another person by way of PROXY chanting.

12. It is important to use the right switch words to get appropriate results.
13. Single words such as switch word are easy to use and work amazingly.

14. There are some switch words that work in almost all situations and they are called Master Switchwords like GOLDEN SUNRISE, DIVINE MAGIC BEGIN NOW, LOVE, etc.

What are the Benefits of Switch Person

= The switch Person is well connected to your heart.
= A switch Person can give you emotional satisfaction with his/her hugs and lovely talk.
= A switch Person can be present and listen when you want to change your energy system.
= Switch Person can give you the right suggestion and open up your mind, to a great extent.
= Anyone can become your Switch Person e.g. your teacher, your classmate, your friend, your neighbor, your colleague, your spouse, a child, etc.Benefits of Switch Memories/ Events/ Situations
=Switch Memories is already there in mind to recall.
=Switch Memories has already given the desired feeling.
=And Switch Memories are good in holding hope.
=Switch Memories are doubt-free as they are already manifested feelings.
=And Switch Memories are good at creating and achieving new wishes.
=Switch Memories have a powerful feeling in them.

How to Find/ Recognize Right and Powerful Switch words for you.

It is very easy to find Switch words that suit you best. Here are a few steps: lL.

= Know what you desire.

= Choose your priority out of your list of wishes.

= Decide what you want to change in your life.
= Now look into your past and search for when you were a happy and positive energy system.
= Collect all and only good moments. It can be similar or any other event in the past in which you were happy.Find the word which changed your energy system instantly in the past For


= Maybe in the past, your spouse called you “Honey” and you blushed a lot then HONEY is your Switchword to attract more and similar moments in your life.
= Maybe your mother called you with your NickName “Angel” and you smiled a lot so your nickname ANGEL is your Switchword to get Divine Blessings.
= Sometimes your father motivated you by addressing you “My Einstein” then EINSTEIN is your Switchword to accomplish any task with ease again.
= Think of a time when your grandfather gave you a buck or coin and you felt like a billionaire, if this happened in your past then the name of your Grandfather is your Switchword to attract more money NOW.
= Maybe having a good time with your friends in school or college made you Giggle. So now GIGGLE can be your switch word if you are sad.
= Sometimes eating chocolate pulled you out of your sad moment then CHOCOLATE is your Switchword now if you are sad.
= Maybe your child had always had good results in the past, he came home shouting at the top of his voice and excited to share his result. Now those emotions can switch your energy in creating his bright future again in life when he steps into financial growth.

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